I'm Sian

It’s so wonderful to have you here! Thank you for stopping by :)

Let me introduce myself starting with how I’ve ended up here…

A bit of back story first...

Growing up, I hated being me! That lack of self-love grew more and more over the years and by my mid-twenties, I’d hit the self-sabotage button that many times that life was pretty rubbish. I'd managed to get myself into a lot of debt, a relationship that I realise now was abusive in many ways and my health was pretty poor. The funny thing was that looking in from the outside, you would never have known. I was good at putting a smile on my face and pretending I had it together.

The truth was that I felt like I was drowning. I was sure that everyone else knew what they were doing, they’d had lessons in school about life that I’d missed. I spent what should’ve been my ‘fun’ years, having no fun at all! I went from job to job doing work that I found completely unfulfilling whilst racking up the credit cards, the whole time thinking that there has to be more to life.

I compared myself to everyone else and felt totally inadequate!

I’m so thankful that in my mid-twenties, my Mum gave me a book, 'The Secret'. This book introduced a new way of thinking; a way that said I was able to create my reality. Up to that point, life had just happened to me...I was ready to change. I became obsessed and read tonnes of books about the law of attraction, manifestation and creating your reality, I went to seminars, short courses and I watched everything I could find on YouTube, but nothing much changed.

The issue was, I was still me!

Me smiling on the outside!

Whilst I felt like I had found the answers to life, I needed the user manual to go with it, the instructions were still missing.

It kept being said that I had to have total belief in myself but no matter how many affirmations I repeated, telling myself I was worthy, the voice in my head disagreed and I didn’t know how to make it stop. I felt like an even bigger failure than before! It became an internal tug of war, part of me believing anything was possible but the other part of me thinking it will never happen.

I kept asking the question how! How can I make this work?!

I became aware that the name NLP came up over and over again and it appeared to be the answer to the internal turmoil I’d found myself in; I’d found my user manual.

I decided to bite the bullet, use my last credit card and book my NLP course. I can honestly say it was the best decision I ever made. Within such a short space of time I had the courage to leave a toxic relationship, get myself out of debt and most importantly, I loved who I was for the first time ever; I liked being me!

I spent the next few years learning more about NLP along with other modalities that taught me about the mind and how to change it. I’m proud to be an Internationally Certified Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy and a Master Coach.

My whole life has changed for the positive and it continues to get better every day. The way feel about myself and the life I now have is so far from where it was, I’ve created things I never dreamed possible. Whilst I am by no means where I dream of being in the future, I know wholeheartedly I am on my way there and I’m enjoying every minute of the journey (the highs and the lows) … I still have those!

The truth is that I'm still me and always will be, but I also realise that I am so much more than that too!

I’m always going to be a student of life and I know there is so much left for me to learn. I also know that I have a lot I can share with others on that journey. Those of you who may be earlier in your own journey of personal development and growth.

My mission is to do just that. To help others to learn how themselves, their reality as it stands and how they can change and improve their life.

I’m with you all the way!

Whilst I felt like I had found the answers to life, I needed the user manual to go with it, the instructions were still missing.

It kept being said that I had to have total belief in myself but no matter how many affirmations I repeated, telling myself I was worthy, the voice in my head disagreed and I didn’t know how to make it stop. I felt like an even bigger failure than before! It became an internal tug of war, part of me believing anything was possible but the other part of me thinking it will never happen.

I kept asking the question how! How can I make this work?!

I became aware that the name NLP came up over and over again and it appeared to be the answer to the internal turmoil I’d found myself in; I’d found my user manual.

I decided to bite the bullet, use my last credit card and book my NLP course. I can honestly say it was the best decision I ever made. Within such a short space of time I had the courage to leave a toxic relationship, get myself out of debt and most importantly, I loved who I was for the first time ever; I liked being me!

I spent the next few years learning more about NLP along with other modalities that taught me about the mind and how to change it. I’m proud to be an Internationally Certified Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy and a Master Coach.

My whole life has changed for the positive and it continues to get better every day. The way feel about myself and the life I now have is so far from where it was, I’ve created things I never dreamed possible. Whilst I am by no means where I dream of being in the future, I know wholeheartedly I am on my way there and I’m enjoying every minute of the journey (

the highs and the lows)… I still have those!

The truth is that I'm still me and always will be, but I also realise that I am so much more than that too!

I’m always going to be a student of life and I know there is so much left for me to learn. I also know that I have a lot I can share with others on that journey. Those of you who may be earlier in your own journey of personal development and growth.

My mission is to do just that. To help others to learn how themselves, their reality as it stands and how they can change and improve their life.

I’m with you all the way!

P.S. Here are just a few things I love when I’m not thinking about, reading about, talking about or doing all things mindset!

(brace yourself)

  • Cheesy music – 80’s Kylie, Steps, Spice Girls Rick Astley, Jason Donavon (you name it)!… Oh, and I do like a bit of country music too!

  • Fast cars and Formula 1... I’m a big Lewis Hamilton fan!

  • Playing the guitar, writing songs & singing (ask me and maybe I’ll share some with you)

  • Dancing - I used to teach Zumba so I could dance every week

  • Walking, hiking, mountain biking, playing in the sea (generally being outdoors)

  • American comedy & The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills

  • Food...eating, not cooking!

  • Reading romantic chicklits... did I mention I'm quite cheesy?

  • My favourite book ever is ‘The Midnight Library’ by Matt Haig

  • My cats Peanut & Jellybean (I’m officially a crazy cat lady… and proud of it)

  • Travelling, mainly Italy for the ice cream and pizza!

The motto I live by…

Life is too short for bad coffee and cheap wine!!

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© Copyright Sian Hill