Introduction to NLP

& Time Line Therapy®

Introduction to NLP

& Time Line Therapy®

Learn how to use the power of your mind to create massive results and become an Accredited Coach in 2024!

Learn how to use the power of your mind to create massive results and become an Accredited Coach in 2024!


  • Do you want to learn the secrets that the most successful people, coaches and entrepreneurs are using to create transformational results?

  • Are you ready to close the door on your own limitations and start creating the future you really want?

  • Do you want to learn powerful tools to create transformational change in both your and your client's lives?

  • Do you want to discover how to use the power of your mind to manifest the life you've been dreaming of?

Get instant access to your FREE 90-minute Introduction to NLP and Time Line Therapy® Masterclass.

NLP is often described as the user manual for your mind!

I'll be sharing with you the foundations of NLP and how you can use the most powerful tools on the planet to release the mental and emotional obstacles that keep people stuck.

During the masterclass, we will be covering:

  • What NLP and Time Line Therapy® is and how to use it to achieve what you want

  • How to change your thoughts and release negative emotions so you can take control of your life

  • Why traditional goal setting doesn't work and what to do instead so you're in alignment with and can achieve your goals

  • The belief cycle that keeps people stuck and how to break it so you can stop sabotaging your results

  • The steps to become an Internationally Accredited NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy Practitioner so you make big and lasting transformations for you and your clients

  • and much more!!

Who is the Masterclass for?

This Masterclass is for you if you're…

  • Curious about becoming an Accredited coach

  • Already a coach, looking to uplevel your skills and the transformation and results your clients have

  • A business owner, manager, HR professional, or trainer and you want some powerful skills to interact successfully with others and get the best out of people

  • Ready to take your own personal development to the next level and learn how to eliminate the self-imposed limitations keeping you stuck so you can create the future you really want

  • Want to make an investment in yourself and your future

  • Keen to take action and make positive changes in your life

  • Ready to step into and become the successful person you were born to be!

Is the Masterclass NOT for?


Changing your life takes commitment and whilst it may be simple, it's not always easy.

This Masterclass is NOT for you if …

  • You're not looking to learn skills and tools to enhance your life

  • Life is great and you have no desire to change anything

  • You don't want to invest in yourself and personal development

  • You're not interested in becoming a Coach or up-levelling your coaching skills and business

If any of the above sounds like you, that's ok. You can always come back at a later date if things change.

I wasn't always this way, in fact just before I stepped into the world of NLP, I could relate to a number of those... then life become bad enough that I knew I had to do something different!

Let me introduce myself...

Hey, I'm Sian

I'm a coach, trainer, speaker and author and I love what I do.

That wasn't always the case... not that long ago, my life felt pretty crappy and although I couldn't see a way out of it, I just knew that there had to be more.

I kept hearing that if you change your thinking, you change your life.

Sounds simple... but the question I has was..."how do I change my thoughts?"

I went on a mission to discover just that and spent the next few years learning and training and I’m proud to be an Internationally Certified Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy and a Master Coach.

I transformed my life in so many ways in a short space of time.

  • I paid off debt that seemed insurmountable

  • I left a toxic relationship and attracted a new loving one

  • I improved my health

  • I started getting work I'd always dreamed of

  • I started my own business training people to learn those very tools

  • I wrote the book I never thought was possible - on this very subject!

Most importantly, I learnt how to change my thoughts, the way I feel and to take control of my life rather than living at the mercy of my circumstances!

I've worked with hundreds of people both 1-1 and training them to become Accredited Coaches and the results continue to astound me.

My mission is to now to share the tools I've learnt with others so they can transform their life and tap into the endless possibilities that are waiting for them.

Just a few of the results real women like you are having...


Here's a snippet of what Danielle had to say...

I was sceptical and fearful as the concept of NLP and Time Line Therapy was something I didn't fully understand. It also seemed too good to be true!

As an athlete I find myself comparing myself to the competition way too often, then creating a belief that I can’t be as good, what I achieved was never good enough.

Sian helped me uncover the deep-rooted thoughts and beliefs that were keeping me stuck. Reframing my mindset and develop empowering beliefs that have become the foundation of my newfound confidence and success.

The techniques taught me how to focus on the present moment, letting go of past limitations and future uncertainties. As a result, I now have a deep belief in my abilities and trust in my own capacity to handle whatever comes my way.

My life has taken an extraordinary turn. I am now experiencing an abundance of success and achievements that I never thought possible. I am attracting opportunities, relationships, and abundance into my life effortlessly. It's incredible to witness how everything falls into place when you align your beliefs, behaviours, and mindset with your goals.

I cannot express my gratitude enough for Sian's guidance and support. She has not only equipped me with powerful tools and techniques but has also been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement throughout my journey, and this is just the beginning! The life I am living now is the life I always dreamed of but never thought I could have. I often catch myself saying, "Be careful what you wish for," as the positive changes keep pouring into my life, leaving me amazed and grateful.

If you're looking to break free from limiting beliefs and achieve your goals, I wholeheartedly recommend working with Sian. Her expertise will empower you to manifest the life you desire.



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What others have to say about working with me...

I was introduced to learning NLP and all its magical techniques as being equivalent to having a operating manual for life!!

And what a terrific tool it has proven to be... I simply do not recognise myself - I feel so empowered!

The NLP Practitioner course has been nothing short of amazing. I am delighted that I have changed and improved as a person and now with the skills to help others become who they really are.

The training in every way possible to ensure each person present in the room understands it. NLP has enlightened and empowered me to move forward in an exciting way in my life.

A great course! Highly recommend for both personal growth and understanding, but also to learn the techniques and skills to use with clients.

© Copyright Sian Hill